Sunday, January 25, 2015


              I took the Jung typology test ; my results were very interesting and shed a lot of light on my personality. I found out; I am more of a extrovert then a introvert. I think this is a fact; I am more interested in others then I am myself.  I love to help people; that is why I am at O.T.C. I want to study to become a RN. It is a career I know I would be good at and will be very satisfying to me.  I like to be social and interact with people . I did not use to be this way, but as I grew other; I grew out of that faze. I think being social will help me in college because I am not afraid to ask questions. If I don't understand a topic of my writings for English ; I will ask in order to understand. I am very opinionated and full of ideas. That will help me with creative writings and essays.

            The test said; I use tuition over fact. I agree; because I go with my gut instinct when making any decisions. I don't know why I feel a certain way when it comes to making decisions, but if I feel it's right, I act on it. I think this will apply to my writings because I will not second guess myself when it comes to my writings. I will write what feels right and what my heart tells me to.  I use fact when I know I need to make very important decisions in life . Like my decision to go back to college; I had to use fact . I had to know my financial ability, my work schedule, and to know if I was mentally ready.  I also used my intuition ,because I felt in my heart I was ready to take the bull by it's horns.

            I have a moderate preference for feeling over thinking.  I make decisions more on how I feel then logic, I guess intuition and feeling go hand in hand. I listen to my heart and consider peoples feelings. I am very empathetic, and caring toward ones feelings. That will come out in my writings, you will see my personality.  I also think before I act, I like to go with what I feel, but if it would hurt someones feelings I keep it to myself. When I write I will take peoples feelings into consideration. Is this writing  offensive? My purpose is; to entertain, inform, persuade, and enlighten my readers. I see the world in color instead of black and white.

           The test said I like perceiving more then I judge. I agree with Jung, because I like to stay open; so I can communicate about anything that happens.  I don't make a decision about people right away; I observe then make a decision. My opinion is always subject to change. Sometimes I have been guilty of judging a book by it's cover. I think it's best to not make a decision right away about someone or something. Like when I need to write a topic for English; I wont pick a topic right away. I like to leave my options open; that's when I get the best idea's!

          I really enjoyed writing this blog; I feel like i learned a little more about myself. I hope to use these results in my writings. This blog allowed me to be creative and just have fun. I am excited to see whats going to be are next writing topic and what I will come up with. Everyone in this class with leave becoming a better writer, thank you.